19 jan Kontraktet säkrat – redan nu
Trots att det återstår fyra omgångar har Sirius redan nu säkrat elitseriekontraktet för nästa säsong.
After Friday’s elite series it was clear – Sirius’s elite contract is secured.
– We were defeated by all the experts. There were even some who pointed out that we would not take more than a few single points, says club manager Jimmy Helmersson.
It all became clear as Falu BS did not succeed in taking points away from Vetlanda. It is thus impossible for Falu BS to pick up the nine points that make up Sirius in four matches. Sirius is, according to many experts, this year’s surprise team.
– I thought we could surprise positively but not like this. Not in this way. We have trainers who know what they are doing and a young hungry team that works hard every day. I treat them to this, Jimmy Helmersson says.
So now there are four rounds of the series.
– We have reached the goal of the season now that we secured the contract. No matter how the final rounds are in terms of profit, we have exceeded all expectations. What I would like to see is that we end in such a way that we can close the season with a lovely feeling, he concludes.
The matches are good and already tomorrow Sunday is time again when Vetlanda visits the Students’. Ref. 14.00.